Attention: Are you someone who wants to become more confident in their business and start playing a bigger game…
Free Teleclass:
“PERSONAL POWER: How to Create What You Want In Your Business and Your Life
Thursday, June 21st 12-1pm EST
If you can answer “yes’ to even one of these questions, you are in the right place
Have you “given away” your power?
Do you struggle with feelings like, “I’m just not good enough”?
Do you “take on” what others think, instead of voicing your own opinion?
Are you “staying small and quiet”, not rocking the boat?
Do you have trouble negotiating for yourself?
Do you struggle pricing your services for what you’re worth?
Do you frequently use the words or phrases, should, ought to, need to?
Do you want to play a bigger game in your life?
On this informational teleclass you’ll learn:
1) A new way to look at your gifts and strengths that will regain your inner confidence and let you step boldly into the world
2) How to set intentions for your business and personal life that will exponentially grow your revenue
3) How being authentic to yourself and in your business can bring you more prosperity than you ever imagined.
Stop playing small in your business-and sign up for this FREE call today. The call is Thursday, June 21st 12-1pm EST-if you can’t make it live, sign up to receive the replay options.
Yes! I want to register for the FREE teleclass:
“Personal Power: How to Get It, Keep It and Use It to Create What You Want in Your Business”